Youth Volunteers
"To every generation of young believers comes an opportunity to make a contribution to the fortunes of humanity, unique to their time of life."

Youth in the community are invited to train to serve as children's class teachers, junior youth animators and facilitators of spaces for their peers. This training takes place in residential camps or weekly sessions in the neighbourhood, sometimes known as 'study circles'.
A sequence of courses offered by the Ruhi Institute brings together groups of friends from all backgrounds, in an enthusiastic environment that encourages them to deepen their knowledge, strengthen spiritual qualities and attitudes, and develop habits that enable them to see themselves as active protagonists in their communities.
These courses draw on the Writings of the Bahá’í Faith that allows participants to reflect on spiritual insights and gain the practical skills needed to advance on a path of service together.

Examples of quotes which are reflected on are:
Youth train to arise and serve their neighbourhoods in many ways. Among ideas explored in their study, they are learning to channel their energies towards:
Thinking about the education of children in their neighbourhoods and conducting classes that tend to the moral and spiritual development of children.

Creating uplifting spaces and supporting groups of junior youth to help them develop their intellectual and spiritual capacities.

Fostering strong friendships and establishing meaningful dynamics with families and other community members.